Welcome to IITH Student Gymkhana


IITH Hostels



About Us

gymkhana 2022

Student Gymkhana IITH is the student body of IIT Hyderabad which aims to bring the students together for their mutual all-round development. All the members of the Student Gymkhana are bounded by the Student Gymkhana Constitution and functions through its Executive Council, with the guidance of faculty incharges.

These members manage all the activities in their respective areas with the President coordinating them all. They are selected through the general elections which are held at the end of each academic year. Each domain has its own Council which helps the Secretaries in conducting various activities throughout the year. Student Gymkhana is constituted to foster a sense of unity among the students. It oversees all the aspects of the students' life during their stay at IIT Hyderabad and is constantly trying to improve their life here. It also acts as a link between the administration and the students.



Cultural Council

The Cultural Council are a motivated group of individuals who believe that a college should have its equal share of fun & frolic along with the case studies. They attempt to capture the vibrant persona of the students by offering them a platform to showcase th...

Media Council

The media council of IITH was formed on May 2014 and is a student council that helps in taking IITH to every individual in and outside IITH. We are involved in publicizing our institute though social media, social events, etc. Media Council is currently involved in var...



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Elan & nVision

Elan & nVision is the annual techno cultural fest hosted by IIT Hyderabad, Elan represents the cultural part of the fest and nVision the technical part of the fest.

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TEDxIITHyderabad is an annual programme aimed at educating, inspiring and connecting great minds.

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It’s the Litfest! Time for Merriment and Jollification. In the words of Roald Dahl, “A little magic can take you a long way.”
